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The (Contract for the) Future for Studying and Teaching – We invite you to our active lunch break, May 27th, 13-14h (online)

Currently, the faculties and other institutions at the University of Göttingen are gradually developing concepts for the implementation of the nationwide “Zukunfsvertrag“(The Contract for the Future of Studying and Teaching). With this “contract”, it is declared that “in particular, permanent university staff involved in studying and teaching” should be financed.
A lot of money is at stake; the funds made available for the University of Göttingen alone will certainly exceed those of the state’s current austerity measures. Uni Göttingen Unbefristet says: We think that’s great!

But the money needs to be used as announced: We want the funds from the “Zukunftsvertrag” not to be misused for precarious, temporary positions! This means that permanent tasks must be provided with permanent positions that enable long-term life planning for the employees while allowing them to continue their research.

We had already pointed out these demands in our open letter to the new university president Tolan in January 2021 and at the action of the alliance against austerity measures on 12 May 2021.

The meetings of the faculty councils, e.g. in the social sciences, will probably take place in June. There, there will be a first hint of what the implementation of the “Contract” will look like at the University of Göttingen.

That is why we are inviting everyone – students, Mittelbau/MTV staff and professors – to an active lunch break on 27 May, 1-2 pm: We now have the chance to express ourselves on this issue, and we want to discuss how we can do this loud and clear.

The active lunch break will also include the world premiere of the new animated film by Uni Göttingen Unbefristet: Scriptwriters and director will be present. Unfortunately, you still have to bring your own snacks to this online event.

The link to the online meeting on 27 May 2021 is available to all subscribers of our newsletter or on request: